Monday 15 October 2012

Skin Prick Test

What is a Skin Prick Test?
The skin prick test is a very common test to identify whether a certain substance causes the allergies in a person.
Many common food products, animal allergens and household allergens can be tested. Allergens such as dust mites,
house dust and cockroach are commonly found at home and are can be taken to minimize the contact.

Pets are also a source of allergens especially cats and dogs that can be easily identified and radily avoided.
Some common food allergy in children include egg, fish and nuts.
  • Allergy
  • Is the Skin Prick Test safe?
  • How is a Skin Prick Test conducted?

Allergy is not an uncommon medical problem. We are seeing more children with food allergy and more adults with allergic rhinitis and asthma in Singapore
  • An allergy is an abnormal reaction by a person’s immune system against an usually harmless substance. It maybe something you ate, inhaled or touched that causes the allergic reaction.
  • A person without allergies would have no reaction to this substance, but when a person who is allergic encounters the trigger, the body reacts by releasing chemicals which cause allergy symptoms. These symptoms can range from running nose, rashes, watery itchy eyes, asthma attacks, urticaria to life-threatening anaphylactic shock.

Is the Skin Prick Test safe?

Skin prick testing is generally safe and reliable for adults and children. It is considered to be the most convenient and least expensive to determine the allergen that one is allergic to.

How is a Skin Prick Test conducted?

During the skin prick test, a very small amount of certain allergens is introduced to the skin by pricking on the surface on the skin (forearm or back of the person) using disposable pricks.

Allergens Tray

After the pricking is done, reaction will occur within 15 minutes if there is allergy. It will be a little swelling at the spot where the allergen was introduced, associated with itchiness and redness around the same area.
The swelling will subside in about 2 to 3 hours’ time.

Positive reaction from the prick

Patients are advised to see a doctor before doing the test as there are certain medications like antihistamine to withhold to ensure accuracy of the test.
Pregnant ladies are not advised to do the test.

For Appointments, pls call: +65 6311 4710

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