Monday 15 October 2012

Sleep Study

What is a Sleep Study?

It is a multiple-component test that electronically transmits and records specific physical activities while an individual sleeps. The recordings become data that are analyzed by a qualified physician to determine whether or not a sleep disorder is present, including OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea). OSA is diagnosed when there are more than 5 episodes of apnea lasting at least 10 seconds in one minute during the entire sleep period.

Too much stress experienced over a sustained period of time, with insufficient coping strategies can result in ‘wear and tear’ to the body. Over the longer term, both emotional and physical wellbeing can be affected. Inability to contain your inner tension may also result in collateral damage to interpersonal relationships and work performance.
  • Equipments used in a Sleep Study
  • How is a Sleep Study conducted?
Equipments used in a sleep test

The equipments used in a sleep test include:
  • A. Surface electrodes on the face and scalp that will send
  • B. Belts placed around the chest and abdomen to measure breathing frequency
  • C. ECG (electrocardiogram) to record heart rate and rhythm
  • D. ensor at the nostrils to record airflow
  • E. Bandage-like probe on the finger to measure the amount of oxygen in the body
  • F. Microphone to record snoring activity
How is a Sleep Study conducted?
  • The sleep study is done overnight and it can be done in hospital or home setting. Qualified sleep technicians will be involved in setting up the equipments.
  • The sleep physician upon completion of the sleep study will prepare a detailed report. It provides useful diagnostic information about sleep related breathing disorders, movement disorders in sleep and other less common conditions like seizures in sleep and other abnormal behaviours during sleepy.
For Appointments, pls call: +65 6311 4710

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